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Intentional with money. experiences. the future.


I’m on a mission to help millennial women find balance in their feminine journey through budgeting, splurging, and wealth building on a middle-class income.

Hey, I’m Brittani and I’m a recovered spendaholic. Now, I still love to spend my money and do some sweet sweet shopping but I’ve learned to find balance in it all.

Here at The B Chic, we talk about budgeting and managing your finances but from a place of abundance, career mindedness, and balance.

Do you feel like you’re just short of meeting your money goals each month? Do you constantly defer plans or sacrifice self care because you’re living paycheck to paycheck? Are you hoping to make more opportunities for yourself with a side business but can’t get out of the $0 balance rut?

I see you. I was you. I am still working to overcome it too. (BARS 🎙)

So, let’s dive in to budgeting and strategically planning our money together!!

Join my email list and receive my very own budget template that led to my financially abundant mindset and lifestyle.

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