“When you stay ready, you won’t have to get ready”. But how do you get to that point in the first place? I experienced from first-hand pageant experience that it’s much easier when you have all your ducks in a row beforehand. Although this quote, spoken to me so eloquently by my babe, was birthed from a conversation of pageants, I believe it is applicable to professional women all around. Looking to feel and actually be put together despite the circumstances? Dive into my helpful tips.

Physical Wellness Ready

We all know that regular exercise is important but so many people neglect it. My exercise “sweet spot” is least 30 minutes of cardio or strength training 4-5 times per week. Strive for 3 times per week at a minimum. Properly strategize your meals on a weekly (or daily basis), and no, you don’t have to be vegan to be healthy. After visiting a dietician, I learned how to read food labels, determine proper food servings, and how to put together a healthy meal. The main points are simple and reasonable.

In high demand moments, regular physical fitness will keep you in shape. Surviving conferences, corporate parties, and 5k fundraisers is dependent on stamina built from regular activity. Remember the confidence boost you will have no matter the outfit or time (I’m looking at you swimsuit in January). Stay ready physically, and you’ll never have to worry about looking fit.

Wardrobe Ready

I discover most of my fashion trends in promotional emails from my favorite retailers. Despite my poor attempts to keep up with fashion trends, I can never go wrong with the classics. The concept of a Capsule Closet caught my attention in 2016. Essentially, you combine classic, quality pieces and seasonal trendy ones to build your wardrobe. It’s practical, minimal, stylish, and NOT a headache. I am currently building my capsule wardrobe, one piece at a time. I started with this list.

At any given moment, you could be invited to a black tie event or a ritzy Sunday morning brunch. Do you have the appropriate attire? If you’ve got the capsule wardrobe figured out, you may have a few classic pieces that fit the occasion. Throw on a seasonal scarf, bag, or shoes and you’re set! Stay wardrobe ready, and never feel under (or over) dressed again!

Small Talk Ready

Whether it’s table talk, networking, or truly conversing with friends– you don’t want to sound like an idiot, right? I peruse a few daily/weekly email newsletters that keep me up to date, especially since I avoid cable television. I confidently participate in all types of conversations based on the broad spectrum of topics covered through these outlets. I’m sure you adore a few already, but here’s my list.